Hello Reader,
As we know to develop any solution in Business Central we must start working on AL Code Extension so from this blog you will get to know the detailed step how to create a page through AL Code in business Central.
Requirement: Need to create a new page to Insert, Modify, Delete the data from table.
Let’s Start the process:
Right Click on the left panel and select New File
My file name is My_PageList.al
Code Snippet for adding a new page, use snippet tpage as shown below:
As we select the tpage it will automatically generate a basic page design layout as below:
Now we must assign a page id and page name as per our naming convention which we are using along with this we need set some other properties as per below:
• Set ApplicationArea to All.
• Set UsageCategory to Lists (If it is a list type page)
• Set Source Table to "TestTable”.
1. ApplicationArea - Based on Application area the user can see those in the application. It Sets the application area for a searched page or report in the web client. Standard values are All, Basic, Suite, and Advanced.
Below are things that will require this property
1. Page
2. Page Field
3. Page Action
4. Report
5. Report Request Page Fields
2. UsageCategory -
Option: None, Lists, Tasks, ReportsAndAnalysis, Documents, History, Administration.
This property Sets the department column for a searched page or report in the web client. As there are no menusuite in web client UsageCategory used to set where these custom objects in Web Client Menu.
List page is mainly divided into two parts:
1. Layout Section: It has 2 sub parts
1.1. Repeater Group List of fields
1.2. Factbox Area which contains factboxes
2. Action Section: It contains all the actions that you want to add on the page actions.
You can add other fields in the page using snippet tfield. Also, to show how to add factbox I have added MyNotes Factbox. Below is the screenshot with all changes that are done in page.
Hope you enjoyed and learned from here.
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As we know to develop any solution in Business Central we must start working on AL Code Extension so from this blog you will get to know the detailed step how to create a page through AL Code in business Central.
Requirement: Need to create a new page to Insert, Modify, Delete the data from table.
Let’s Start the process:
Right Click on the left panel and select New File
My file name is My_PageList.al
As we select the tpage it will automatically generate a basic page design layout as below:
• Set ApplicationArea to All.
• Set UsageCategory to Lists (If it is a list type page)
• Set Source Table to "TestTable”.
Below are things that will require this property
1. Page
2. Page Field
3. Page Action
4. Report
5. Report Request Page Fields
2. UsageCategory -
Option: None, Lists, Tasks, ReportsAndAnalysis, Documents, History, Administration.
This property Sets the department column for a searched page or report in the web client. As there are no menusuite in web client UsageCategory used to set where these custom objects in Web Client Menu.
List page is mainly divided into two parts:
1. Layout Section: It has 2 sub parts
1.1. Repeater Group List of fields
1.2. Factbox Area which contains factboxes
2. Action Section: It contains all the actions that you want to add on the page actions.
You can add other fields in the page using snippet tfield. Also, to show how to add factbox I have added MyNotes Factbox. Below is the screenshot with all changes that are done in page.
Hope you enjoyed and learned from here.
Stay Tuned for more updates
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